Brief fishing report: yesterday the surface on the big water was incredible, never saw anything like it, it was actually kind of unsettling having globs of dead mayflies on your line and slip bobber. There were slicks of dead bugs everywhere, We had a slow start on several spots on the big water side, decided to drive to the horseshoe, lot of bugs there too but we managed a couple walleyes and perch on our half day trip. Another half day trip today, first spot, another out of the inventory, not fished this year  spot we had a 19" we released, missed quite a few others. Wemoved on to other spots in the 11-14' range, kept a few walleyes, 9 perch, caught quite a few smb elected to keep a few smb in the 13" range. Still catching w's on fatheads and crawlers, today fished 11-14 again, mix of wood and rock. Love the wind, last spot however took 100 feet and good anchors, new boat is awesome 32mph on the way in across the big waters with the big chop, I do always ask if customers are adverse to going fast, I can drive slow, it is painful.
Comments on comments: 
Andyreindy3 If you can't catch smb on the spook the first 2 weeks in June on the tff, I'll eat my hat, haven't had to eat a hat yet. The bottom lure in the picture may require a magician, if you put a glob of crawlers on it and let it lay on the bottom you may catch a bull head or a sturgeon.
nihsif it was a pleasure fishing with Larry Smith he is a VERY good fisherman, had a young guy just finished college (Brad) camera man very attentive, hands on guy and friend Phil, never fished with a blind guy ,he was a pretty impressive fisherman, who took blind guy jokes in stride, Phil your bobbers down, set the hook! No! not the orange one the green one!
I've said it before, I get paid to have customers catch fish not me. Hunting and fishing does involve some jealously I want  customers to catch the fish and unless its 11:30 on a shore lunch day,I don't cast where I think the fish are. But when I get a really good jig fisherman I try pretty hard to see who will catch the fish. I get a handful of extremely good jig fisherman, a week or so ago Rob and Edie (husband and wife), Rob is one of the best jig fisherman I've fished with, he always knows whats going on at the end of his line. 
Want extend a congratulations to two of Wisconsin"s best jig fisherman my brother Joe and brother in law Greg, my dad just called and told me they won the Otter street tournament for the third time, don't believe anyone has done that before (over 300 teams of the states best fisherman). He has a knack for finding fish, I hope I never have to compete with him on the flowage, he catches fish there too. Proud brother.
Happy Fathers Day!!!!