Monday, January 6, 2025

Can I write an article for your website?


After-school programs offer numerous benefits for children, including keeping them engaged and boosting their self-confidence. However, choosing the perfect activity can be a challenge for parents, especially if the child isn't interested in the usual options like sports or the arts.

I'd love to write a guest article for your website on this topic. The article will provide a variety of after-school activities that children can participate in, helping parents find suitable options to broaden their horizons.

Would you and your readers find this article interesting? Simply let me know, and I'll get started on it right away.

Best regards,

Katherine Williams - self care priorities for parents

P.S. If you're interested in having an article but have a different topic preference, that's no problem! Please send your idea over, and we can move forward from there.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Please let me know what you think

Hi there!

YouTube creators know that ranking high in search results is key for success. A top-ranked video gets more views, engagement, and subscribers. But with so many videos competing, standing out can be tough. That's where YouTube SEO comes in.

I'm excited to write a guest article for your website, focusing on strategies to optimize videos for better ranking on YouTube. Would your audience be interested in this topic? If so, I'd love to share a draft with you for review. Let me know if you're interested!


Amy Collett |

P.S. Interested in the offer, but perhaps for a different topic? No problem, just reply and we can figure something else out! Or, if you'd rather not hear from me again, just let me know that.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Invoice and Remittance

Attached is your invoice. If you have questions please contact the credit office found on the attachment. ***Please do not reply to this email.***
800-UR-RENTS (800-877-3687)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Your thoughts would be much appreciated


Would you be interested in having me write a guest article for your website? I'd like to give a video marketing tutorial to small business owners.

I believe that such a guide would be beneficial to your readers, as video marketing is becoming increasingly important as businesses establish their online and social media presence.

I'm eager to start writing, so please let me know if my proposed website consent piques your interest.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Lisa Walker

P.S. Not interested in my emails? Please respond and let me know. If you're interested in a free article on a topic other than my initial offer, be sure to reach out so we can come up with an idea you love.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Invoice from DSV S2493263 , 00697721, Customer ref: A0039 15.12.23, US

Invoice/Creditnote no.: S2493263
Total Amount: USD 1,337.90
Due Date: 16.01.2024

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Please see attached document.

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We provide and manage supply chain solutions for thousands of companies every day from the small family run business to the large global corporation. Our reach is global, yet our presence is local and close to our customers. More than 75,000 employees in over 90 countries work passionately to deliver great customer experiences and high-quality services.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Needing some input on this


For businesses, hosting events can be a powerful marketing tool. However, planning and executing an exceptional event is no easy task. Would you be interested in publishing an article on your website that provides expert tips and insights for organizing successful events for one's business?

This article will be written specifically for your site, containing original content that I will carefully research and write from scratch. If this proposal interests you, please let me know.

Best regards,

Eva Benoit

P.S. If you don't want me to email you anymore, please reply and let me know. On the other hand, if you're interested in an article on a topic other than what I pitched, be sure to let me know and I'll come up with something more fitting for your site.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

wanted to circle back with you


I'm reaching out again to see if you might be interested in custom content from our team at Adobe.

The piece will cover the benefits of relying on a professional photographer (from professional equipment, style knowledge to editing know how). However, if this topic doesn't feel like a fit but you're still interested in content, let me know and we can come up with something that works for you.

If you're open to external contributors to your blog, I'd love to send the content over to you for your consideration.

Lastly: once the article is published, I can send you a complimentary year-long license to all of the Adobe Express premium tools and templates as a way of saying thanks!

(Note: a ton of Adobe Express tools and templates are already offered for free; the license will cover the premium tools and templates. Learn more here.)


Thank you for your time!

Leo Krause
Outreach Coordinator at Adobe Express

Follow us on:
#AdobeExpress #Expressit

On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 2:38 PM, Leo Krause <> wrote:


My name is Leo and I'd love to reach your audience with custom content from our team at Adobe.

We'll prepare a piece for you that explains the benefits of relying on a professional photographer - everything from professional equipment, style knowledge to editing know how. If this topic doesn't feel like a good fit, but you're still interested in having me put together a custom piece of content for your site, please let me know. We can come up with something that works better.

Are you open to external contributors to your blog? If so, I'll send it over for your consideration and feedback.

As a thank you for your hospitality, I can send you a complimentary year-long license to all of the Adobe Express premium tools and templates once the article is published! 

(Note: a ton of Adobe Express tools and templates are already offered for free! The license will cover additional tools and templates, which you can learn more about here.)

Thank you!

Leo Krause
Outreach Coordinator at Adobe Express

Follow us on:
#AdobeExpress #Expressit

Don't want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
Adobe, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95110, United States

Don't want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
Adobe, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95110, United States

Friday, December 29, 2023

the benefits of hiring a professional photographer


My name is Leo and I'd love to reach your audience with custom content from our team at Adobe.

We'll prepare a piece for you that explains the benefits of relying on a professional photographer - everything from professional equipment, style knowledge to editing know how. If this topic doesn't feel like a good fit, but you're still interested in having me put together a custom piece of content for your site, please let me know. We can come up with something that works better.

Are you open to external contributors to your blog? If so, I'll send it over for your consideration and feedback.

As a thank you for your hospitality, I can send you a complimentary year-long license to all of the Adobe Express premium tools and templates once the article is published! 

(Note: a ton of Adobe Express tools and templates are already offered for free! The license will cover additional tools and templates, which you can learn more about here.)

Thank you!

Leo Krause
Outreach Coordinator at Adobe Express

Follow us on:
#AdobeExpress #Expressit

Don't want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.
Adobe, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95110, United States

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Food for your blog. Check it out!

Hello there,

I stumbled upon your website recently and wondered if you'd be interested in featuring an article specially written for your blog. The article I have in mind highlights the importance of professional photographers in different situations, including weddings, real estate dealings, and business marketing. These professionals can truly work wonders in capturing the perfect moments!

If guest contributions are accepted on your website and my proposed content sounds appealing, please let me know, and I'll get started right away.

Wishing you love and positivity,

Vanessa Holwell

P.S. Don't like the above article suggestion? Please let me send you some alternate topic suggestions or don't hesitate to let me know a topic of your choice. Don't want to hear from me going forward? Please reply and let me know!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 sent you an Amazon Gift Card!

Hooray! You've received a $100.00 Amazon gift card.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Book Your Turtle Flambeau Flowage Guided Fishing Trip Today


Looking out the window, I see that I am woefully behind on getting out my spring email blast. The ice on the lake we live on is black and ready in the next day or two to go out. I have had some valued regular customers contact me and didn't have the days they wanted. Most of May and June is filled, I do have some days open however.

We just returned from our 3rd annual fishing trip to the Florida Keys. Youngest son Tom accompanied myself and wife Ginger, we had a great time, caught a lot of fish. We flew this year to increase our vacation time, camping and flying has its challenges but it actually worked out well. At a dollar store we bought 3 folding chairs, two Styrofoam coolers and a small grill, total about 60.00. It did fill up the rental car so we gave it away to fellow campers at the end of our trip. We ate fish almost everyday.

Other events this past year , In September, I went on a self guided solo moose hunt in Alaska, one of the coolest things I've ever done. If anyone wants to hear about it I may be able to email a story I wrote. It is actually a long probably mostly boring story full of details that maybe someday a grandchild may enjoy reading. Short story I did get a nice moose.

It was one of those years when all three kids had new jobs or school or other difficult schedules, I spent most of my hunting time in Idaho and Minnesota by myself. I do enjoy hunting alone but it felt a little self indulgent, really missed hunting with the kids. Did get a buck in each state, the kids were the recipient of the meat as the freezer was full of moose.

My computer person Elliot who gets these "blasts" out says short and only positive. Short is always difficult for someone long winded and the mention of a funeral isn't exactly cheery. I did really liked this one, an excerpt from someone I follow on the internet:

Two businessman attend the funeral of a colleague. One man says to the other," how much did he leave?" The other responds,"he left it all.".. ..Everyone leaves it all. And on their death bed nobody wishes they spent more time acquiring more to leave behind.

Another one, some of you have probably seen the picture of a haggard looking guy sitting on a bar stool, drink in front of him , cigarette hanging out of his mouth, the caption below it reads " I spent most of my money on women and whiskey the rest I just wasted". I spend most of my disposable money hunting and fishing but try to create a lot of family memories doing it.

You have probably had enough philosophy from a fishing guide.

Want to thank everyone who fished with me last year was another great season. It had about the same trajectory as the previous season with good walleye and perch fishing in May and June. The small-mouth fishing was also good at that time especially late May thru June, peak shallow water smallie fishing was early June. Second half of July through August the walleye fishing got tougher, that is not always the case however. The pan-fish really made up for it with a lot of fun catching big bluegills, perch and crappies. The fall fishing for walleyes, crappies and muskies was good right up until I put my boat away to start hunting in early November. I have started doing a little more musky fishing, for the amount of time spent we caught some nice fish.

Again sincere thank you to all who have fished with me.
Some of you have become good friends, I thank you for that.

Happy fishing.


Jeff "Bobber-Down" Robl

Professional Fishing Guide
Recreational Fishing Guide

Bobber Down Guide Service
4816 N Little Pike Lake Road
Mercer, Wisconsin 54547 USA


Fishing Guide Service
Turtle Flambeau Flowage
Mercer, Wisconsin 54547 USA

Bobber Down Guide Service - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Fishing Guide Service

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bobber Down Guide Service - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Fishing Guide

Jeff Robl - Bobber Down Guide Service,

Early into my guiding career I met a nationally known walleye fisherman at a boat landing on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage. I met up with him again at the end of the day and he thanked me and my son for the minnows we gave him and a tip on a spot to try that turned out to be full of walleyes. At the landing at days end he was gracious enough to spend a long time talking to my son and I about the fishing business. I told him I wasn't sure a guy could make a living being a fishing guide but I was going to give it my all. He told me if you do a good job for people it won't take long and you will have all the business you can handle. I was skeptical but really appreciated his optimism and insights. On the drive home, I told Jack that was like meeting Tiger woods on the golf course and giving him a tip on the game of golf. I won't mention his name some of you have heard the story, not only a great fisherman but a great guy.

Apparently I'm doing something right, with very little advertising I have been REALLY busy, his prediction was right.

Sincerely, I want to thank everyone who has been willing to spend a day in the boat with me, it is a beautiful place to make your living.

A few highlights this season, new boat, when you pay that much money for a boat is anyone really going to say they don't like their new boat? Jack just changed the oil tonight for me, third time this season 325 run hours on the motor, I like the boat, really! like the boat. From a guide standpoint can't think of anything I would change, 20' Skeeter WX2000T.

A chance to do my third TV show, this time with Larry Smith Outdoors, what a fun guy to fish with! I thought the show came out pretty well, it was fishing the flowage in early June. The show is on my web site.

I enjoy writing, though not easy during the fishing season. I wrote my third article for Badger Sportsman magazine, two on fishing and one deer hunting. The latest one was in the July/August Issue, trying to be objective but honestly have never seen a more informative article on fishing the TFF. I wanted to get this e-mail letter out while the magazine was on the shelf at stores but have "been too darn busy fishing". I talked to Chris Carns at Badger Sportsman he said he could send out that issue to about the first 100 people for free if they subscribed for a year. If you are interested in "hunting", "fishing", "berry picking", "maple syrup making", "mushroom hunting", "improving or creating your food plot(s)!"; my favorite and a lot of other outdoor pursuits in Wisconsin it is an awesome! magazine with some real "hands on" information on hunting and fishing in Wisconsin, Please let me know and I will pass your name on to Chris.

Fishing has been good this year overall, there were a few slower times, June, a great month for fishing was good most days but there were a few days we faced some massive mayfly hatches, one day the biggest hatch I've ever seen. Like last year( but not all years) mid July thru August got slow for walleyes but the panfish (perch, big bluegills and crappies) really picked up the slack.

Wanted to get this e-mail correspondence out to previous customers, if you have already booked a trip with me I have it written down just wanted to let customers know my schedule in September is a little more limited this year because, I will be in Alaska from the 17th thru the 27th, my son Jack would be available the 18th, 24th or 25th otherwise my good friend Don Pemble may be available the other days between the 17th-27th.

Summer is winding down, the years are going by too fast, I guess a consolation is the upcoming fall fishing and hunting season; my favorite time of the year.

Thank you for fishing with me, it is a wonderful life.

I am looking forward to the fall bite.

Thank you,

Out-of-the-Office (9/17-9/27): My apprentice will be answering "emails", "phone-calls", "voice-mails", "facebook" and "texts" in my absence; booking your favorite time(s) of the year. Please email for fall reservations today.

Trip-Notes (Pictures): I know some of you have asked about getting pictures that I took on our fishing trip

Facebook Photo Album: "2016 - Bobber Down Guide Service - Album"
Facebook Photo Download Instructions:
How do I save a photo to my phone or computer?
To save a photo to your computer:
Click on the photo
Hover over the photo and click Options
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Google Picasa Web Albums (2013-2015)


Jeff "Bobber-Down" Robl

Professional Fishing Guide
Recreational Fishing Guide

Bobber Down Guide Service
4816 N Little Pike Lake Rd.
Mercer, Wisconsin 54547 USA
Fishing Guide Service
Turtle Flambeau Flowage
Mercer, Wisconsin 54547 USA
Bobber Down Guide Service - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Fishing Guide Service

9/14/2016 4:03 PM

unsubscribe?: reply subject line

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

2016/07/25.1 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

2016/07/25.1 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl
7/25/16 @ 11:29 PM
Jeff Robl
Bobber Down Turtle Flambeau
USER since 7/10/12

Waning Gibbous


76° - 80° F

71° - 75° F
A few pictures. No offense to all the middle aged guys, but nice to fish with some woman: Nikki and daughter Kalley, Lexi with heavy 18-1/2"smb, and Karen.
(715) 776-0140

2016/07/25 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

2016/07/25 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl
7/25/16 @ 11:04 PM
Jeff Robl
Bobber Down Turtle Flambeau
USER since 7/10/12

Waning Gibbous


76° - 80° F

71° - 75° F
Way behind on getting a fishing report out, started one last night when I got a distressed phone call from son Tom who wiped out on his dirt bike and broke his leg. Son Jack and I were quickly dispatched and found him, Jack (strong as an ox) carried him over his shoulder down the trail to my truck. Have been very busy fishing, spent my day off today at the hospital in Marshfield.
And for the fishing... The walleye bite can best be described as inconsistent, some days the bite is pretty good and other days very slow. We have been working a variety of structure to catch walleyes, have caught them on 10-12' humps, deeper wood on the edge of channels and on a few occasions deep rocks. We have on some days the last couple of weeks caught our best fish both smb, pike and walleyes in weeds. Weeds make up a pretty small component of the structure fished on the tff, most of the summer action is wood related but we have caught fish in coon tail, narrow leaf pondweed and cabbage. It is sometimes a wonder that you can catch fish in the weeds, with all the other competition. With polarized glasses you can often see big schools of young of the year perch and other minnows. One thing I have noticed , the fish in the weeds hit hard and once hooked really fight in the shallow water. 
The smallmouth bass fishing most days has been good to very good, not numbers like early June but decent fishing. A lot of the smb are coming off of wood structure in the 6-10' range sometimes targeting individual large diameter stumps. catching them casting, and on bobbers but dead sticks with leeches catching a lot of the fish. A good percentage of the fish the last week were in the 14-18" slot, too big to keep, occasionally keeping a few 13-13-3/4" fish.
The perch, bluegills and occasional crappies have been caught on all of the above structure. When we get on a spot that I feel has a number of panfish on it, I trim the bristles on the slow fall jigs with a side cutter just in front of the hook. Instead of dropping the rod tip at the hit of a walleye bite, hold the rod at about a 60* angle with tension on the line, when (and if) the "machine gun bite" turns into steady tension set the hook as fast as you can. The big perch and bluegills are as challenging and as fun to catch as jigging for walleyes.
Haven't had the call in the last week or so but I'm sure pike could be caught with spinners and whatever else you want to throw at them in quiet weedy bays with wood on the shore lines.
This past Thursday I fished with George and his brother, Marty, the walleyes were slow but we had fun with the bass, George's favorite. At shore lunch time we tooled around the picnic sites on long island and found them all full, we drove down to r-5 a site I like a lot. George was flabbergasted when we got there, (his 52nd year fishing the TFF) a nice summer day, not a single boat anywhere to be seen on the "big water". I told him it's been a pretty common scene the last month, lot of campers but not many people fishing.
Most all day trips we're getting a nice mixed bag of fish.
.....the house is quiet, back to Marshfield tomorrow, I have the cordless drills but no titanium screws in the garage, I guess that's best left to the doctors.
Nisif how do you view any private messages on the new format? I do like it better but haven't figured that out.
(715) 776-0140

2016/07/20 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

2016/07/20 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl
7/20/16 @ 7:25 PM
Jeff Robl
Bobber Down Turtle Flambeau
USER since 7/10/12
Wanted to let people know Porky (Jordan) former proprietor of Donner's Bay passed away Monday.
Had to call a friend to verify Porky's real first name, the only person who ever called him Jordan was Rozann, his wife,  she is about as nice a person as I have ever met.
Had a lot of good laughs with Porky as I'm sure a lot of Lake Link viewers have.
May the big walleyes be slamming the #9 count downs at  sunset in the afterlife. 
Rozann Rhey
4501 Leslie Ann Lane
Mt. Pleasant Wi. 53403
(715) 776-0140

2016/07/14.1 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

2016/07/14.1 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl
7/14/16 @ 9:44 PM
Jeff Robl
Bobber Down Turtle Flambeau
USER since 7/10/12

Waxing Gibbous


61° - 65° F

71° - 75° F
After two days of slow fishing  most likely due to weather (tragic weather for northern Iron county Monday) the fish decided to bite today. Tuesday and wednesday we didn't have a problem coming up with shore lunch for 4 customers but not a lot of fish beyond that. Yesterday when we quit , I was putting out 80' of anchor line just to hold on the leeward sides of land masses. I'm guessing by mid afternoon it was around 35-40 mph. Today with still brisk wind but rain and nice cloud cover we fished with slip bobbers, vertical jigged and used a dead stick to come up with a nice catch of fish, walleyes 13-16", kept a few smallmouth and impressive bluegills 8-9". We fished with both crawlers and leeches in 4-8' fow.
I forgot my camera today but with the help of my technical support department, was able to get a picture out of my phone on to Lake link (last post).
I get asked about what type of weather I will fish in, I don't fish in tornadoes or lightning. Today was a weather day I enjoy, I know there were a few boats on the tff, we fished in view of a lot of water today and saw one other boat fishing all day. Most of the day we fished a big part of the flowage and saw no other boats, I like that kind of weather.
I appreciate the calls I received (thanks Pete from Mercer and others) on rain gear, I have narrowed it down. I did buy some temporary higher grade frog tog bibs for the interim, reasonably priced at Turtle River Trading in Mercer. I know they kept one of my customers dry today. I have learned it doesn't pay to keep dry if your customers aren't, I borrowed them out, would rather fish wet than have to quit early, will be buying more bibs.
Have this sat. open, some days we are doing real well other days working pretty hard to catch fish.
(715) 776-0140

2016/07/14 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

2016/07/14 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl
7/14/16 @ 8:46 PM
Jeff Robl
Bobber Down Turtle Flambeau
USER since 7/10/12

Waxing Gibbous


66° - 70° F

71° - 75° F
Trying to join the twentieth century, or is it twenty 1st. Picture from phone to lake Link. Fishing today. 
(715) 776-0140

2016/07/08.2 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

2016/07/08.2 - Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl
7/8/16 @ 9:47 PM
Jeff Robl
Bobber Down Turtle Flambeau
USER since 7/10/12

Waxing Crescent


71° - 75° F

71° - 75° F
A few pictures. Last couple days.
(715) 776-0140