Friday, October 30, 2015

2015/10/06 Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

See Profile
Joined: 7/10/2012
Status: Offline
10/6/15 12:11 PM CST
Conditions: Partly Sunny Air Temp: 56° - 60° F Water Temp: 51° - 55° F
The last few times out have been focussing mainly on walleyes. The bite is starting to get a little more consistent but the fish aren't concentrated in places typical of this time of year. There are other things not typical as well like the fall colors being a week or more behind they are slowly turning, this weekend will probably be peak. The water temps are also warm but are slowly going down.
Yesterday we fished 13 different spots ranging from an 8'wood spot to sand in 23'. We caught fish on most spots having good jig fisherman we moved around a lot and only put bobbers out on the 8' wood where we didn't catch anything . We cast 1/8 oz. jigs and extra large fatheads, some places slow fall jigs others round head depending on the snagginess (sp. check says that's not a word but I like it) of the spot. We did find some fish on deep rocks but our best spot was 12' on the edge of an original creek bed. We kept 10 walleyes released a lot of small fish in the 10-12" range. Looking for the bite to continue to improve.
Have this Thur. open and a lot of time from mid oct.-nov. 3rd or 4th my last day of the year.