Thursday, December 18, 2014

2014/12/17 Fishing Report - Turtle Flambeau Flowage - Mercer Wisconsin - Jeff Robl

See Profile
Joined: 7/10/2012
Status: Offline
12/17/14 9:05 PM CST
Ice Depth: 9" Conditions: Cloudy Air Temp: 26° - 30° F Water Temp: Below 40° F
I drove to fisherman's this afternoon, walked out a hundred yards and drilled some holes, 9-1/2" measured with a tape measure. I was surprised at the beautiful ice conditions, there was a thin layer of ice with some water below it, it supported my boots for the most part, occasionally I broke through but the total thickness of the shell ice and the slush below was only about an inch. It was fast walking even when I broke through. This should firm up the next night or two, but wouldn't be an issue anyway. There is patchy new snow cover from the few inches of snow we got the last couple days which should be good for snowmobile slides and tracks. It should be perfect conditions for taking shanties out this weekend, far different from this time last year. DISCLAIMER I only looked at one area of the flowage, I'm optimistic it applies to most of the flowage. NOTE there is a lot of water coming down the Manitowish I would be leery of the east end. I've gotten a few e-mails from fishing friends wondering how the deer hunting went. I started deer hunting in '73 and exclusively north woods hunting since the early 80's. I remember some lean years "up north" in the 70's but I don't remember any like this season. The hunting was tough in terms of numbers of deer but especially in finding mature buck tracks. The highlight for me was getting to spend quite a bit of time with my youngest son Tom, I push him hard, he always keeps up and maintains his sense of humor. I did manage a nice heavy racked 10 pt. that went over 200.